Amber Verbeke is finding her way in the real estate world

Yes, there are still young people who dream of having their own business one day. Such a person is Amber Verbeke (22) from Oostrozebeke. Recently graduated from Vives Kortrijk, where she studied real estate and insurance, she is now working on finding her place in the real estate world.

“After high school, I was determined to choose a course of study that offered the prospect of an interesting job. A job where I would mainly have contact with people. For a while I hesitated between law and the real estate sector. I ultimately chose the latter. Now I have to conclude, even though I knew this in advance, that the world of real estate is a tough world. It is difficult to secure a permanent position. But it is also a very fascinating world. What many do not know is that this is a very varied job, which involves all kinds of things, such as marketing, sales and rental of homes, prospecting, and drawing up EPCs. It is also a profession that is constantly evolving.” Has she already mastered all that? “Not at all, I’m still in a learning process. I have already completed a school internship and a holiday job, and am now following a BIV internship. The internship at Vastgoed Norman lasts at least one year and I have already completed three months.”

Lots of competition

Given the abundance of real estate agencies, we asked Amber whether it is realistic to compete with that? “I am firmly convinced that I will bring that dream to a successful conclusion. I am now in the process of gaining experience. I am currently also taking additional training in social media to be able to offer and sell properties even better and more smoothly in the future. For me it is mainly a matter of gaining some name recognition, because I am a newcomer in this tough world.” Finally, we asked Amber what the most difficult part of her profession is? “As far as I am concerned, I find the prospecting part the most difficult. The main thing is to find properties that are offered for sale. When you win one, it gives you enormous satisfaction, but I know that the competition in our region is very fierce. In any case, I face a big challenge.” (CLY)