Shifting standards clouds the progress of the multi-million personal health environments (PGO) project. To encourage its implementation, there was a standard: 5 percent of hospital patients had to retrieve data via a PGO. That standard has been relaxed (and postponed) to a best-efforts obligation. A communication plan is sufficient.
The majority of hospitals participating in the VIPP5 scheme – in preparation for the deployment of personal health environments (PGOs) – appear to meet the standards on time. It is unclear exactly which standard the hospitals will have met. Do patients actually use a PBL or have hospitals just done their best?
While use, quality and progress lag behind, investments in PGOs continue. This is now no longer possible for the system developers. Is it time to realize that it is not going to work, or are other means needed to make it work? What do you think?
Investing further in PGOs is flogging a dead horse
Argue your position in the comment box, we’d love to hear your thoughts.