Savings interest rates are rising and you can save the fastest at these banks

Interest rates are slowly creeping up again. Although the smaller fish offer better conditions than major players such as ING and ABN Amro. But which safe is the most cost-effective for the bill? You can save money the fastest at these banks in the Netherlands.

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Banks in the Netherlands with the best savings rates

From October 15, ING will increase the variable savings interest rate. And Rabobank and ABN Amro have also announced that they will implement the same increase. Nevertheless, you can still save twice as fast at smaller, lesser-known banks in the Netherlands.

There are also differences in interest rates depending on the amount you save. For example, ABN Amro offers a variable savings interest rate of 1.50 percent up to an amount of 1 million euros. At ING the interest rate is 1.50 percent up to an amount of 10,000 euros. For everything above that up to a million euros you get a savings interest of 1.25 percent. For this reason, we have only mentioned savings interest rates up to 10,000 euros in the table below. And to be clear: we are talking about variable savings rates, not fixed ones. Any welcome bonuses are not included as they usually only apply for a few months.

You can save the fastest in the Netherlands at Banca Progetto

Enough retired and invested; These are the banks in the Netherlands where you can save money the fastest.

Bank Variable Savings Rate
< €10,000
Banca Progetto 3.25%
Clarna 3%
Bigbank 2.80%
Inbank 2.75%
Renault Bank 2.75%
YapiKredi 2.75%
Openbank 2.65%
Lloyds Bank 2.50%
Bunq 2.46%
Anadolubank 2.45%
LeasePlan Bank 2.20%
DHB Bank 2.05%
Argenta 2%
Knab 2%
Central management 2%
NIBC 1.90%
National Netherlands 1.80%
Credit Europe Bank 1.77%
Rabobank 1.70%
ING 1.50%
ABN Amro 1.50%
Triodos Bank 1.50%
Brand New Day 1.50%
Garanti BBVA 1.50%
SNS Bank 1.25%
ASN Bank 1.20%
Civi Bank 0%

The Italian bank Banca Progetto offers the best conditions for saving up a holiday budget. You can close a savings account via And also check out our tips for becoming 15,000 euros richer in one year.

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