The tax authorities make comparing savings products unnecessarily complex

Anyone who compares savings products and only looks at the (gross) returns can sometimes be disappointed. This is because the tax authorities do not tax all products in the same way, which has a huge impact on the net return. Sometimes you pay no taxes on the savings proceeds and in other cases it amounts to 30 percent.

Why is this important?

The interest rate increases by the European Central Bank (ECB) do not only cause the interest on savings accounts to rise. The other savings products, including term accounts and branch 21 insurance, also bring in more money due to the tightening monetary policy.

Context: In our country you usually pay a tax of 30 percent on capital returns, such as interest and dividends. But Belgium would not be Belgium if there were no different exception regimes. The tax authorities also deviate more than once from the standard rate for savings products, which makes it not always easy to compare.

Savings books

0 to 30 percent: There are two types of savings accounts: regulated and unregulated. In that honor

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